'Welcome everyone, today is a special video where I interview Saif about his career as a boxing coach. He is a very kindhearted guy who I look up to. The reason for this video is to raise awareness about his gym as he has moved to a new and improved location. We also talk about his previous Gym experience and about his progress with the children/adults who he taught (including me). Checkout his channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmBT949LuE He’s also on all forms of social media, just search Saif boxing fitness. If you guys have any other places for me to go to and try let me know in the comment section below. #TENET #BOXING #FITNESS #GYM #INTERVIEW #Q&A SAIFBOXINGFITNESS, if you\'re in Rotherham guys, come and check it out THANKS GUYS, STAY SAFE'
Tags: fitness , cardio , gym , weights , strong , fat , kids , routine , fitness blender , weightloss , interview , help , teaching , fitness and beauty , teacher , coach , burnfat , fitness and wellness , clever , questions , Tenet , newgym , fitnessclass , Fitness and Lifestyle , fitness and nutrition , #boxing , Rotherham , fitness and fluency , grapple , selfdiscipline , itness and health , thaiboxing , knockoutsboxing , boxingclub , saifboxingfitness , southyorkshire , basicboxing , circuitworkouts , proboxer , fitness and slotsfitness , fitnessandboxing
SEE ALSO: fit pregnancy , sergi constance , royal marine commandos , free workout , shredded , neil , cine , we.. , aesthetics , total body workout